Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Forced to Do Nothing.

I am an A class procrastinator.  I have fibromyalgia and I had a really bad herniated disc with leg pain so great excuse right, or not or whatever you think.  I really don't care.  I was in some serious pain and couldn't focus on getting things done.  I could waste away hours on the internet when I had a pile of paperwork or project to do.  I had life coaching.  It was  awesome.  Helped me tons to work through some difficulties in my inner me.  I did accomplish some projects that I feel good about.  I enjoyed the weekly meetings and camaraderie, teamwork and support.  Now that it is over I miss it.  I am getting way away from the point of this.  I finally had my much needed back surgery and I am recovering.  I am forced to do nothing like go out for coffee with my new friends or my laundry, just water my plants.  But I have all this time.  What to do with it?  I could look into starting some type of business, find some kind of extra job to support the things I'd really like to do.  Write? Read?  Meditate? So what have I accomplished so far( it is 10 days post op)nottin honey!!  Haven't opened a book, started this about 3-4times. Hope it will get posted this time.  I need focus,    but I should say I AM FOCUSED and believe it to make it happen.  I stay up to late at night and sleep way to late in the morning.  Getting back to a normal routine in a good project for me.  Should I make it my project?  Oh let' s  do that.  I am going to make an intention.  I will post it on facebook and intent.com and write it out.  I am getting back to a normal routine.  Okay I know the next question is the by when?  I will get back to a normal routine by my birthday August 30th.  By normal I mean asleep by 12 and up by 8.  In the first step then it will be easier to move back into a work schedule when I go back to work.  ******* Okay at that point yesterday I was sidetracked with trying to get my printer back online.  I had U-Verse installed a few days ago and ever since couldn't get the printer working.  I had to fax a paper to disability and it was getting late so off to work on the printer.  Took awhile but finally success!!  Fax - success!!! Anyway back to finish this.  I did get up earlier today! Set the clock and Michelle stopped by to bring me the Ugandan coffee I ordered and some goodies.  What a sweetie.  Sara when to Frasier Farms for me so I have some fresh veggies and this and that and now it is already 4 pm.  So I am posting. I want to say that I do not particularly like the way I wrote this. It is not well written or in the slightest bit clever of funny.  In fact it is dry and humorless.   I have to get right to writing when things are in my head then I produce something that is more fun to read.

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